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Inert food

The axolotl is carnivorous. In its natural habitat, it fed on small fish, insects, larvae, fry, worms and small crustaceans (freshwater of course). But our axolotl, born and kept in an aquarium for long decades, no longer has anything in common with its burrowing ancestor and living in the muddy bottoms of Mexican lakes ... Any food containing iodine and coming from the ocean or the sea. sea ​​is to be avoided. The size of the food must be adapted to be swallowed whole. The axolotl having small teeth (too tiny for our skin to feel them), it is difficult for it to slice the food.
The pellets are specially designed for the food needs of the Axolotl. They can also be fed with pellets for sturgeon breeding but to help out because the quality leaves something to be desired and the proteins are clearly insufficient. Pay attention to the composition: no iodine presence and fairly high protein level. Pellets should remain the staple diet, because it is the most balanced.
Where to buy pellets if your pet store does not sell them?
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Ces fréquences de nourrissage ne veulent pas dire grand chose. Les axolotls mangent quand ils ont faim.

Mes axolotls sont nourris chaque jour, l'un mangera peut-être tous les 2 jours, un autre un peu chaque jour, un troisième préférera venir voir ce qui se trouve dans l écuelle de nuit, une de mes louloutes est très gourmande et bien je ne la restreints pas. Je vous écris ceci car l'on voit de plus en plus d'axolotls maigres

Donc pas rapport à toutes ces raisons ne leur donnez pas une ou deux fois par semaine, ils sont tous différents et ont des besoins différents. Grâce aux écuelles vous verrez facilement qui mange quoi et eux ont un repère pour vous indiquer qu'ils ont faim.

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Axolotl size feeding frequency

1 to 5cm

3-4 times a day

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5 to 10cm

1 to 2 times a day

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10 to 12cm

5 to 7 times a week

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12 to 15cm

3 to 4 times a week

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15 to 20cm

2-3 times a week

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More than 20cm

Once or twice a week

pellets axolotl iode

Fish and fish by-products, meat and meat by-products, vegetable by-products (contains red pepper extract 4.400 mg / kg), shellfish, vegetable protein extracts, cereals, oils and fats, yeasts ( contains beta-1.3 / 1.6-glucan 1,000 mg / kg), minerals.

Additives / kg: Vitamin A 21,000 IU, Vitamin D3 1.260 IU, Vitamin E 80 mg, Vitamin C 300 mg, E1 Iron 21.6 mg, E6 Zinc 6 mg, E5 Manganese 4.5 mg, E4 Copper 1 mg, E2 Iodine 0.13 mg, E3 Cobalt 0.01 mg, E8 Selenium 0.01 mg.

Color: Astaxanthin 60 mg / kg. Antioxidant.

it is not very detailed we do not know what meat and shellfish are.

here is regarding copper:

Copper is also toxic to fauna: birds, small mammals, insects (including bees, which inevitably come to rub against the copper which covers the plants when they come to forage), but also earthworms and all aquatic organisms (fish , insect larvae, amphibians): many biodiversity players are concerned. VS

These pellets contain iodine!

Hikari carnivores: not recommended

Proteins: 47%, and lipids 5% n fibers 3%, humidity 10%, ash 17% and phosphorus 1%

soybean, cassava starch,

wheat starch, dried seaweed, wheat flour, mashed potatoes, astaxantin pigment, methionine atom (including one sulfur atom), lysine, spirulina,

canthaxanthin (carotenoid of the xanthophyll family), garlic

Choline (essential nutrient initially classified in the group of B vitamins),

ascorbyl l 2, polyphosphate, copper sulphate (ultra toxic to marine aquatic life ... (it is used in particular as a treatment for swimming pools instead of chlorine).

hikari pellets

The composition of the first pellets (aquaterractec) is the most elaborate here:

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Ingredients: crude protein 54%, crude fat 14%, ash 12%, lysine 3%, calcium 3%, crude fiber 2%, phosphorus 1.5% Ingredients according to analysis Protein 44.00% Crude fat 12.00% Crude fiber 1.50% Ash crude 8.00% Moisture 8.00% Additives Coloring agents Food coloring astaxanthin E161 Antioxidants E 306 (Natural vitamin E extracts) Vitamins and similar (on 1000 g) Vitamin A 25000 IE Vitamin D3 2000 IE Vitamin E 300 mg Vitamin C (stabil) 400 mg Composition Molluscs and shrimps 4.71% Algae 4.71% Oils and fats 5.84% Fish and fish by-products 32.49% Concentrated fish protein Cereals 18.44% Vegetable by-products 33.43%.

Diced freshwater fish fillets: You can buy trout, panga, pike, perch, any fish coming only from freshwater, don't hesitate to ask your fishmonger and read the labels carefully. Panga is not the best fish, it often contains a lot of products and hormones because it comes from tanks in countries not subject to the same breeding guidelines as in France. You cut your fillet into small cubes and can thus freeze it (initially flat so that the cubes do not stick together), you will thus distribute these small diced fish to your kitties as you wish. Avoid Tilapia as much as possible, this fish unfortunately comes from intensive farming and in dire conditions, explanations of the consequences on this link:

The Joëls (small frozen fish in sachets) but be careful of their origin (some come from the sea) read the label carefully and if in doubt do not buy. Atherina boyeri can be found indifferently in seawater, brackish water and fresh water. Schools can form very close to the shore, this fish is caught in order to serve as bait for larger fish, it can also be eaten as jol or joels traditionally fried.

joel poissons surgeles axolotl nourriture

The heart of beef : this remains an extra and not a daily food! Being very rich, the heart of beef could cause digestive disorders, diarrhea. it is difficult to digest (minimum 7 days) for an axo because it is the meat of warm-blooded animals, generally incompatible with cold-blooded animals. It is only given in an emergency, ie an axo which has lost a limb and urgently needs additional nutrients. It provides a very high protein rate to promote reconstruction. We get the heart of beef in supermarkets in the offal department, and in butcher's shops. You just have to cut it into thin strips (adapted to the size of the axolotl) and use what you need the same day, then freeze the rest flat to prevent everything from sticking. We thaw the slice (s) that we need and then cut into cubes. Reminder: freezing before use is pointless because it does not kill bacteria, but the beef heart is the one that is the most free!

Nothing else is given in meat . Poultry contains two types of bacteria which can be fatal to humans, so imagine your loulou, (among more than 1000) which are only killed by cooking and not by freezing chicken.asp . These bacteria can parasitize your axolotl: the game is not worth the candle. Obviously no pork, at the sanitary level raw pork is very dangerous, containing for example the famous tapeworm (tapeworm).
In short, no need to tell yourself that your loulou wants different things every day, rather think safety, nutritional contribution. In addition, its digestive system being rather sensitive, it is better to stay on a very limited choice avoiding its system having to adapt and regulate.
Do not donate a liver either! This organ is a natural filter in which we find all the drugs, parasites, bacteria, etc.
The shrimp ? To be avoided, the chitin contained in their shell is poorly digested by axolotls. Their small peaks can create micro abrasions in the axolotl's mouth, and given the increasing number of various micro cysts and abscesses seen in recent years, this seems to be an aggravating factor.

Young axolotls should be fed every day. When they reach 15/18 cm, they can be fed every 2-3 days. But as long as they are not adults (over 20/25 cm) don't be worried if they are crying out every day, they are growing. You will see if an axolotl is hungry because it moves around a lot in the aquarium, and waits in front of the glass. The axolotl is a rather greedy animal but which (as a general rule) knows how to regulate its food consumption itself. Be careful not to overfeed your adult axolotl as some people are prone to obesity. The principle is therefore to feed 1 to 2 times a week (adults), and at each feeding we give until the animal refuses (my adults only claim once a week), the more water is hot the more the axolotls are hungry.

Pellet order
Ordering Aquaterratec pellets:

h ttps: //

You also have a table where you can register by department if you want to take advantage of a reduction on shipping costs by ordering with several people from your department, on the Facebook group
Living food

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Personally, my principle is never to give anything alive (apart from bloodworms etc. to juveniles). On the one hand it hurts my heart (being an aquarist for more than 30 years I appreciate every little life), on the other hand for the risks of transmission of diseases and parasites. For example: neons do not reproduce in captivity so they are necessarily from wild fisheries, and when they arrive in ponds they are very very importantly treated with antibiotics in order to avoid as much loss as possible. These antibiotics will be ingested by your axolotls ...

And here the same do not put Molly, Platys. They are much less elongated and can get stuck or cause damage inside the loulou. The ideal: do not put any fish, specialized veterinarians have taught us that many could be healthy carriers of the
flavobacterium,   can be quite simply parasitized by intestinal worms , white spots, lice, this represents additional risks for our axolotls which are not supposed to live in a small space with these fishes besides resulting from another microcosm.

The earthworm, prized by axolotls, but still a very rich "food" which can cause diarrhea if you give too much of it or can sometimes be very badly digested, therefore moderately, even if we know that they are fond of it. Another less obvious fact is that they ingest heavy metals and various pollutants from the land in which they live, so unless you are organic and land without fertilizers, this remains a potential risk.

Shrimps such as Red cherry are sometimes recommended on certain sites. We have observed that this posed concerns: on the one hand, the chitin contained in their exoskeleton is not digested by the axolotls, on the other hand the peaks of shrimp can create micro lesions in their oral and esophageal or even stomach cavity, abscesses often come from these micro injuries.


Live fish contain thiaminase,

thiaminase is an enzyme which breaks down thiamine, so vitamin B1 is sometimes called "antivitamin B1". Some fish, molluscs, bacteria, plants and arthropods contain high levels of thiaminase.

It is therefore obvious that a diet too rich in thiaminase leads to a deficiency in vitamin B1. Particularly in the case of a varied diet with a low thiamine intake, this is mainly the case of a fish-based diet.

A thiamine deficiency causes general, cardiac and neurological signs. Weight loss, anorexia, heart failure, muscle atrophy etc ...

Salmonids (salmon, trout).

Some Cyprinids such as roaches and gudgeons

  • Poeciliidae (guppy, platy, molly etc.)

  • Common eel

  • Some cyprinids such as carp and crucian carp (goldfish!)

Vitamin B1 also called thiamine or aneurine is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the functioning of the nervous and muscular system promoting the transformation of carbohydrates into energy.

vers de vase congelés, composition
guppy porteurs sains bactérie, flavobacterium
vers de vase congelés, composition

Bloodworms have no nutritional value, so we use them instead to move our juveniles to a more substantial food after the artemia nauplia and we mix them with the 3 mm pellets in order to get them used to the taste. of the latter which ensure an adequate supply of proteins, minerals, vitamins and lipids.

Nutritional values ​​of foods for axolotls

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What are the most nutritious foods for carnivorous amphibians in captivity?


Protein: A good diet should be relatively high in protein.

  • Fat: A little fat is needed. As in human diets, some fats are better than others.


  • Calcium: When considering the calcium content of a food, pay special attention to the calcium / phosphorus ratio; the availability of calcium is affected by phosphorus. Ideally the Ca / Phos ratio should be> 1. Foods with a lower ratio should be supplemented with other foods.


  • Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Some commercial pellets may contain an excessive amount of vitamin D3, the market leader special axolotl pellets, on the other hand, are balanced. Vitamin D3 can be obtained by exposure to ultraviolet rays, but most amphibians do not require ultraviolet rays.


  • Vitamin A: Like mammals, amphibians are unable to synthesize vitamin A and must obtain it through their diet. It is present in fish such as trout fillets. This is necessary for proper development and physiology, but excessive amounts are very toxic.



  • Energy (Calories): All of the foods listed below have a calorie content of between 4 and 7 kcal / g dry weight. The exact amount is usually not critical. Foods high in fat generally contain more calories per gram.

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tableau valeurs nutritionnelles axos.jpg
congélation, bactéries
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“Freezing kills bacteria” ?? Well no ... 😜

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