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Unfortunately, many factors affect the quality of the water and harmful strains of bacteria have become a serious concern for the environment. Chloramine, a combination of ammonia and chlorine, is used in some water treatment plants to kill bacteria more effectively. This compound is highly toxic to fish and if it is present in your water it should be removed. To find out if your water contains any, you can call your municipality and / or test the tap water regularly. Regular analysis is highly recommended. Take a sample of tap water, let it sit so that the chlorine evaporates, or accelerate evaporation using a bubbler, because in fact the stirring of the water promotes the elimination of chlorine ( which is much more volatile than chloramine, which can remain in water for two weeks!) and use a test to check for the presence of ammonia. If so, chloramine is probably used in your municipality.
In this case, an activated carbon filtration works well but we know that it is necessary to remove them after 4/5 days so that they do not release the absorbed products (zero result) and to rinse them well and dry them for a next use, they are also very effective for cleaning an aquarium after drug treatment.

Still water or not?

First of all, it is important to regularly consult this site in order to know precisely its parameters water from the tap.
When we find ourselves with a free or total chlorine level of 0.03 mg / l, it is as much to say that it is not even useful to let your water stand! youpiiii !!! Conductivity is also of interest to us because it tells us if our water is mineralized (hard) or not very (soft). Obviously these are not the only data that interest us but if you want to refine all this you can for example contact me via the site or the group, by sending me your data.

So now let's talk about standing water, do you know why? Because in this way the chlorine will be able to evaporate so here the duration of the rest depends on two factors: the rate of chlorine in your pipe water if it is very low 12 hours will suffice for others it will be 24 hours and for d 'other 48 h.
If you use a bubbler, the stirring of the water accelerates the evaporation of the chlorine, if you had to wait 24 hours you will have to wait 6 to 10 hours maximum with a bubbler.
You don't have still water and you absolutely need it now ?!
Buy Montroucous water or the spring water that can be obtained in Lidl stores. (no I don't have any shares with these two brands but at some point you have to name things clearly because many get lost and suddenly do silly things).

Either way it is always better to change the water asap, imagine you are in a garage with a car on the road, this carbon emission can kill you, the axolotl breathes in the water if it is polluted you can kill him, not necessarily immediately but his skin may present lesions (which we see more obviously in light colors), the kidneys will be insufficient, as much damage which may be irreversible, do not take these lightly. water changes. And above all, avoid putting them in a bin as much as possible, tupp. We see more and more people taking axolotls and then roaming them quietly, "the axolotl is in tupp everything is fine" uh ... no you do the prowling of your aquarium and then you take the axos. Think about them a little, have some consideration for him. It's not a toy.

Water conditioners

It has long been said that conditioners are toxic to our axolotls, only conditioners containing additives are not recommended. They are useful for removing chloramine and heavy metals in water,. But not only ! It protects and strengthens the mucus of the loulous! Here is one of the brands without additives (I will complete this list as I go.

(Click on the images to be redirected to the merchant site)

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