Battersya Trapedwen
Nathalie C
Battersya Trapedwen
The eyes are very small and are not covered with eyelids. They are however covered with a small membrane.
There are several colors depending on the genetics of the animal.
Three magnificent gills adorn the head of our axolotl on each side and make it so recognizable. They are quite fragile and sometimes susceptible to fungal infection. They are used to breathe and can sometimes be colorless or very very colorful on the contrary, this is due to the fact that when the axo is excited, irritated or chasing the blood rushes into them. 'magnify in a surprising way, if you catch him yawning you will understand.
His mouth. It has tiny teeth to hold back the prey that the loulou has swallowed by suction, but human skin does not even feel them.
Very small nostrils are visible above the mouth. And the axolotl knows how to use them and its smell is remarkable. (Perhaps to alleviate his slight myopia).
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Nathalie C
Now let's move on to the silhouette of our axolotl:
Four legs with four fingers at the front and five at the back with exceptions which confirm the rule. They grip and move our little dragon forward, but without substrate, tire quickly and small muscles can be strained because they are not made to carry the loulou.
The width of the belly should be equal to that of the head, seen from above. The female has a much more rounded belly than the male.
A transparent dorsal veil runs through the body of the axolotl to the end of its tail.
Having no scales, the thin skin of our little wolves is very fragile, a friend who inadvertently crunches, a sharp decoration or quite simply products can very quickly damage his skin and sometimes even cause serious damage!
Axolotl size feeding frequency
1 to 5cm
3-4 times a day
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
5 to 10cm
1 to 2 times a day
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
10 to 12cm
5 to 7 times a week
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
12 to 15cm
3 to 4 times a week
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
15 to 20cm
2-3 times a week
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
More than 20cm
Once or twice a week
The bad parameters of a water can for example veine its skin indicating a concern.
Their tail is their rudder, which gives them incredible relaxation.
The cloaca, protuberance located between the hind legs and the base of the tail is used to expel excrement and for reproduction. It is more elongated and bloated in the male, while it is found more pointed, rounded or simply flat in the mature female.

The axolotl regenerates, of course, but not infinitely and not always in a harmonious way ...
On the right, here is Pep's, his damaged paw has not entirely fallen off, and regrowth has taken place. The loulou therefore now has two legs!

Voldemort and his 2nd leg, a little anarchic regrowth

Why does the metamorphosis not take place in the axolotl?
(Reminder: in most amphibians, metamorphosis is the moment when the individual passes from the aquatic stage (tadpole or larva) to the terrestrial stage. This transformation takes place under the influence of the thyroid gland present in all vertebrates. thyroid gland will produce a secretion that will transform the tadpole (or the larva in salamanders) into an individual that has the same morphology as an adult. The animal that was aquatic will be able to leave the water to go on land.)
It is important to know that this metamorphosis does not take place at all in the axolotl in nature. The axolotl thyroid gland is atrophied and does not supply enough thyroxine (hormonal secretion from the thyroid) to be able to transform the axolotl into a terrestrial individual. It is therefore the environment of the axolotl which has repercussions on its way of life… Lake Xochimilco is in fact a lake on a plateau, the surrounding landscape is desert: there are no trees, bushes, corners. wetlands, where terrestrial-shaped salamanders could survive. The axolotl therefore remains in larval form and can reproduce. It would be during evolution that the thyroid gland did not develop in this species and that the axolotl acquired over time this particularity of being neotenic.
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), the German naturalist studied ambystoma Mexicanum here are his drawings. Below you will find his initial and blank documents worked on for better clarity.
