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Clean plants before introducing them to your aquarium

It is important before introducing plants, whether they come from a pet store or from private individuals to clean them. Snails and planarians lay eggs under the underside of leaves, for example. You risk inviting them into your aquarium. A tip against snails, bathe plants in sparkling water

Bleach and potassium permanganate and sparkling water.

* With bleach :
- soak the plants in a solution (at the rate of 1 dose of bleach for 20 doses of water) for 2 minutes maximum.
- rinse with running water, then immerse the plants in a bucket containing a chlorine neutralizer (Aquasafe type).
- it will kill the algae
Bleach may be harsher on algae than potassium permanganate, but may "burn" plants more easily. The algae will turn red or white and disappear completely after 24-48 hours!

* Potassium Permanganate :
- Buy at a pharmacy buy a sachet of 1g of potassium permanganate mix it with 1 liter of water.
- once the product is well dissolved, take 5ml of this preparation (use a syringe) and mix them with 10 liters of water.
- soak the plants in this preparation for at least 30 minutes
- rinse the plants well afterwards (with clear water).
This cleaning can be carried out on all the elements of the decoration (rock, root, ...)

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) can be very useful in the aquarium hobby. Please note this product stains hands and textiles !!!
Potassium permanganate can be found in pharmacies (and drugstores) very often in sachets (small purplish crystals of 0.50g for 30 cents). It is true that it is a product which remains expensive but we do not need large quantities for the aquarium hobby.
Potassium permanganate has a very powerful oxidizing power. It oxidizes waste more quickly and provides the oxygen necessary for this oxidation. It also helps fight against algae. Permanganate is also used as a disinfectant.

Potassium permanganate can be used:
either in a flash bath for the plants supporting it like the anubias. This also makes it possible to "burn" the brush algae ...
either directly in the aquarium after dissolution (but not in a tank with axolotls because most of the time the solutions contain iodine).

Bath to remove algae from plants or decorations
Please note that some plants do not support this treatment such as Riccia, Cabomba, Myrophillum, Ceratophyllum, java moss

Directly in the aquarium

Prepare a bottle with 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 1 liter of water (preferably RO water). The prepared solution can be used for 1 month and should be stored in the dark.
5 ml of this preparation are then used per 10 liters of water. Let the plants bathe for 30 minutes in this preparation.

If you need to treat algae directly in the aquarium (not with axolotls):

When you pour the mixture, put it, preferably, at the level of the discharge of the pump and in small quantities in order to dilute the mixture as much as possible in the aquarium. A purple cloud should not form which could irritate the gills of the fish.
The aquarium water will then take on a slightly pinkish tint which should quickly turn to a yellowish tint. After 24 hours, the aquarium should be exceptionally clear: crystal clear water.

Benefits :
Elimination of all algae except brush algae.
The water in the aquarium becomes clear, crystalline.
Increased frequency of spawning

The filter gets dirty faster. This requires more frequent cleaning of the filter.

Some plants do not support permanganate such as Riccia (duckweed), Cabomba, Myrophillum, Ceratophyllum, java moss.

This treatment can be repeated every 2 days.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Carbonated water?

To remove snails and their eggs, soak your plants overnight in soda water.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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