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Here is another veterinary clinic treating amphibians and our axolotls, I will gradually put the information and operations made on our scales.
They also perform miracles!

This is the NAC Marseille Massilian veterinary clinic
At CHV Massilia 121 ave de Saint Julien 13012 Marseille
Phone: 04 91 82 13 13
Veterinary care for NACs and exotic animals (rabbit, parrot, turtle ...)

"Cataract in a frog. This nine-year-old Litoria has clouding of her lenses, especially on the left. She does not seem really embarrassed and continues to eat normally. The causes of cataracts can be multiple (physical, chemical, traumatic, infectious, metabolic, genetic ...). In this case, the living conditions are in accordance with the needs of the species. A genetic anomaly is possible. There is no medical treatment, the only option would be surgery. Of course, this possibility is only reasonable if the handicap becomes detrimental with in particular the impossibility of eating, which is not the case.

soin cataracte grenouille, Physignatus coccinus,dragon d'eau

"Digestive obstruction in a female Physignatus coccinus (Water dragon). This lizard has ingested several small gravels responsible for a digestive obstruction. The surgery consists of opening the intestine and removing them. This female was in the breeding season ( eggs are starting to be seen on the radio) and may have been looking for a source of calcium to make the shell. She has since recovered from the procedure and laid her eggs normally. "

soin cataracte grenouille, Physignatus coccinus,dragon d'eau
soin cataracte grenouille, Physignatus coccinus,dragon d'eau
soin cataracte grenouille, Physignatus coccinus,dragon d'eau
soin cataracte grenouille, dragon d'eau
soin cataracte grenouille, dragon d'eau
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