Stroke or other neurological disorder?
Stroke stands for Cerebral Vascular Accident. A stroke occurs when blood flow is suddenly cut off to the brain. It could be due to a blood clot or bleeding. A stroke can be fatal or lead to various disabilities such as hemiplegia (paralysis of half of the body).
There are more and more frequent reports of what looks like stroke on axolotls & Cie. The symptoms are relatively spectacular, in fact, the axolotl turns on itself the body as if twisted in a continuous circle. He seems unable to calm down and get back to his normal position.
Photo and video of Mala by Laury Laurier
The outcome is often fatal, depending on the size of the areas of the cortex affected. usually within 24 hours the animal dies if the attack was too severe. Otherwise there is a chance of regeneration.

Here is a new light coming to us from Doctor Larrat, after asking him the question about the increasing number of cases that we are encountering, he thinks that in the majority of cases it is not in fact a stroke.
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"The neurological signs described can be caused by many different factors, and it is quite difficult to make the final diagnosis of stroke. In fact, in most cases there is another cause. Any encephalitis will have similar signs. (virus, bacterial or even parasitic or fungal) and a certain number of intoxications will also show the same signs (NH3 *, hypoxemia ...) Metabolic abnormalities (ionic imbalance, renal or hepatic insufficiency) could also cause neurological signs.
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The NH3 problem arises particularly in the new tanks, when a treatment is used, when the biofilters are abused (but I don't have to teach you anything).
If the number of cases increases, and they all have the same cause, I would think of * ranaviruses rather than strokes. The diagnosis of stroke requires advanced medical imaging, not available in practice on this size of animals, or microscopic examination of tissue in pathology after death. "
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
* NH3-
The aquarium is a confined environment in which waste (feces, urine, plant debris, excess food, etc.) are constantly released. These products are rapidly degraded and transformed into ammonia (NH3-), soluble in water and totally invisible, proving to be very toxic for our aquatic life .
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
** Ranavirus
Ranaviruses are DNA viruses that cause epizootic hematopoietic necrosis .
These viruses affect aquatic animals such as fish (including marine 1 ) and amphibians (death by internal bleeding, with symptoms of skin ulcerations) as well as reptiles (in the United States, Australia 2 ).
They are a source of emerging diseases 3 a priori involved in the general decline of amphibians 3 ; not all ecosystems are affected, but the virus is spreading, imposing prophylactic measures 4 . New isolates are regularly discovered. (Wikipedia).