certificate of assignment, legislation, charter
The transfer certificate is not useful for colored axolotls
white albino and golden albino (gold)

2018 legislation what changes
Sylvain Larrat, Exclusive NAC veterinarian, exotic animals, wild and aquatic fauna Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal provides us with details on the new 2018 legislation, a big thank you!
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
"The new legislation applies to animals of non-domestic species, and therefore not to albino axolotls, given the decree of August 11, 2006 establishing the list of domestic species ( https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte. do? cidText = JORFTEXT000000789087 ).
For the other phases (or at least for the wild phase), the axolotls are in appendix B of the EC regulation n ° 338/97. They must therefore be identified and recorded in the I-fap file. No conditions of detention when we hold less than 40 individuals, and we do not regularly sell / give young.
For the identification methods:
- Mandatory photos for young people (photo of the head where you can see the eyes, top view, bottom view).
- Identification by electronic transponder is possible in adults. For animal welfare reasons, I think animals should be anesthetized for this procedure. The size from which implantation is feasible is at the discretion of the veterinarian in the current absence of clear recommendations.
Hoping it's clearer,
On our axolotls it will not be necessary to chip them, it would be too intrusive.
Enregistrer ses axolotls auprès de l'IFAP

Universal Declaration
Animal Rights
The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights was solemnly proclaimed on October 15, 1978 at the UNESCO House in Paris. It constitutes a philosophical position on the relations which must henceforth be established between the human species and other animal species. Its text, revised by the International League for Animal Rights in 1989, was made public in 1990.
Considering that Life is one, all living beings having a common origin and having differentiated during the evolution of species,
Considering that every living being has natural rights and that every animal endowed with a nervous system has specific rights,
Considering that the contempt, even the simple ignorance of these natural rights cause serious attacks on Nature and lead man to commit crimes against animals,
Considering that the coexistence of species in the world implies the recognition by the human species of the right to the existence of other animal species,
Considering that respect for animals by humans is inseparable from respect for humans among themselves,
First article
All animals have equal rights to exist within the framework of biological balances.
This equality does not obscure the diversity of species and individuals.
Article 2
All animal life has the right to respect.
Article 3
No animal should be subjected to mistreatment or cruel acts.
If the killing of an animal is necessary, it must be instantaneous, painless and not generating anxiety.
The dead animal should be treated with decency.
Article 4
The wild animal has the right to live free in its natural environment, and to reproduce there.
Prolonged deprivation of liberty, recreational hunting and fishing, as well as any use of wild animals for purposes other than vital, are contrary to this right.
Article 5
The animal that man keeps under his control has the right to careful maintenance and care.
In no case should he be abandoned, or put to death in an unjustified manner.
All forms of animal husbandry and use must respect the physiology and behavior specific to the species.
Exhibitions, shows and films using animals must also respect their dignity and contain no violence.
Article 6
Experimentation on animals involving physical or mental suffering violates animal rights.
Alternative methods must be developed and systematically implemented.
Article 7
Any act unnecessarily involving the death of an animal and any decision leading to such an act constitutes a crime against life.
Article 8
Any act compromising the survival of a wild species, and any decision leading to such an act constitutes genocide, that is to say a crime against the species.
The slaughter of wild animals, pollution and the destruction of biotopes are genocides.
Article 9
The legal personality of the animal and its rights must be recognized by law.
The defense and safeguard of the animal must have representatives in government agencies.
Article 10
Education and public instruction must lead man, from his childhood, to observe, understand and respect animals.
The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights was solemnly proclaimed in Paris on October 15, 1978, at Unesco House.
Its text, revised by the International League for Animal Rights in 1989, was made public in 1990.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.