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The axolotl floats on the surface, and has difficulty diving. It is often found on the back. We are talking about constant flotation, that is to say from morning to evening and for 24 to 48 hours. Because the axo is subject to aerophagia, do not worry if it floats temporarily.The treatment involves placing the animal in cold water (around 15 °, see 10 ° for more serious cases ), as the warmer water seems to make the problem worse. It is also necessary to put the animal on a diet, and no longer feed it for 1 to 2 weeks (on adults, but often a few days to a week are enough!). The axolotl can no longer touch the bottom, see being found on the back, he seems very stressed, which further increases the aerophagia. It is therefore advisable to put the animal in a few cm of water, to allow it to move on the ground, as it is used to. But as said previously this is not always necessary and it is especially necessary to find the causes of this stress. As a result, the evolution is positive, and the recovery is complete. File not finished yet, be patient. Personally, I have never had to isolate an axolotl for this, having a very planted aquarium, the loulou clings to the plants during the aerophagia episode and everything returns to normal in a few days.
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"This is Lilith the little axolotl.
Axolotl are very endearing and interesting little animals.
They are amphibians close to salamanders but which remain in the larval state all their lives. A bit like a tadpole that would never become a frog.
Because of this, they breathe in water using external gills (which can be seen in the photo) and are very sensitive to the parameters of the water in which they live. Finally, these are animals that have many similarities with fish.
Lilith had major flotation problems which prevented her from being able to stay on the bottom to rest. She is now in great shape 😉 "
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"Different attacks can create flotation problems. For Lilith it was bloating, in relation to a strong parasitism. We helped her to exteriorize the gas so that she could rest, and calmly take her antiparasitic;)
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When the case is too advanced, we use drugs to speed up the transit.
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The antiparasitics that can be used in axos are generally the same as in other animals. They essentially depend on the type of parasite targeted (worms, type of worms, protozoa, leeches, etc.). For this it is absolutely necessary to make a coprology, because making a mistake can lead to large imbalances of flora, and in addition allow the explosion of the real parasite in play. The use of treatments without precise detection of pathogen requires experience. personal data, and due to the lack of bibliographic data in this species, these protocols cannot be disclosed. I therefore recommend (like any animal) to carry out a coprological analysis and to treat accordingly). "
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
I thank Doctor Blanc for his availability and this precious information which will of course be able to help other veterinarians even if they are not specialized in axolotls, Dr Blanc is currently creating a remote support service for veterinarians wishing to take charge of fish (and aquatic amphibians as well).

Veterinary service entirely dedicated to aquatic animal medicine including, of course, axolotl.