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The anodont or Anodonta Grandis is the largest mussel of all our French freshwater. Its presence is a sign of the good condition of the pond or the river, indeed this organism does not support pollution. She tolerates eutrophic waters well because they are full of food for her but the chemicals eventually kill her. The mussel lives in the bottom of the water and half buries itself in a bed of silt, sand or gravel.
She has the ability to move and does not stay still at night.
Some claim that it filters up to 30 liters of water per day, others speak more of a few liters. It feeds on microorganisms such as plankton and bacteria. To put it simply, it is an autonomous filter that feeds on everything that is lying around in the water as long as it is very small.
The anodont is hermaphrodite. Its larvae (glochidia) remain inside the mum / daddy's shell for a year before being expelled. They then attach themselves to the scales or fins of the fish where they become encysted causing a nice button on their body. After a number of weeks, the larva which fed on the fish eventually metamorphosed and then left its cyst to fall to the bottom of the water where it will live for many years. So it is better for the well-being of our axolotls to keep only one per aquarium.
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