Recognize and cure velvet disease or oodinium
Oodinium is a microscopic parasite that is both animal and plant. It can live by photosynthesis in bright conditions just like algae, but can also feed on the skin of axolotls and fish like a parasite.
The odinium encysts on the skin of the axolotl and in a first stage we can see yellow to white spots in excess not to be confused with simple spots of depigmentation or the disease of the white spots. Rapid identification and medication is necessary. We can observe that the axolotl (or fish) rubs on different surfaces.
Due to the ability of the odinium to photosynthesize, bright lights make its propagation worse. When an outbreak occurs, dimming the lights will help treat your pet more quickly.
A home remedy known to aquarists is to raise the temperature of the aquarium to 32 ° C, turn off the lights and medicate with salt and copper sulphate, this remedy is unfortunately not possible with an axolotl which would succumb immediately and to copper and copper. heat. So treat with Protazol (pet store) at the rate of 1 ml per 20 liters of water and combine with salt baths to prepare the skin before the treatment so that the product is well absorbed, an intensive salt bath (3 teaspoons for 1 liter of water for 10 minutes this will promote skin / water exchanges then treatment with protazol in the aquarium at the rate of 1 ml for 20 liters of water and finally change of 80% of the water in your aquarium 24 hours after.
But, sometimes the parasite can persist because it is able to infect the intestines and be protected from drugs. In addition, when the cyst phase of the oodinium is reached, it seems that it is more resistant to treatment. It is therefore necessary to restart the treatment about 5 days after the end of the first one, this time we advise you to do it in a tank since it has been eliminated from your aquarium.