Intestinal worms
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Symptoms: the animal begins to eat less. It can even regurgitate. The more time passes, the less he eats and the more he regurgitates. He may (but not always) have abnormal restlessness, coupled with violent lateral torsion of the body. The head then touches the tail. He grew thinner and thinner and died after a few weeks. This condition is contagious.
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Flagyl is a human specialty based on metronidazole. This active ingredient has anti-infective (sensitive anaerobic germs) and anti-amoebic (which people often confuse it with a dewormer).
Often there is an amalgam between product which acts on the level of the intestine and dewormer ... these are two different things!
Metronidazole acts against certain internal protozoa (digestive flagellates and coccidia) and imaginal cestodoses. Its spectrum of action is therefore not very wide and yet it is very often used by aquarists ... therefore obviously misguided. Panacur is often combined with Flagyl to treat a wider spectrum of parasites.
Fish, like any animal species, are frequently parasitized. These may be parasites attached to the gills, fins or skin (we speak of ectoparasites) or parasites infesting the viscera (liver, stomach, intestine), the gonads or even the muscles (we speak of 'endoparasites).
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It is very common for fish to be parasitized by nematode larvae (or roundworms) of the Anisakidae family. These larvae are frequently present in many species of fish or cephalopods. The cycle of the parasite is as follows: The adult parasite is found in the stomachs of mammals. The embryonated eggs are thrown back into the water. They hatch by releasing a larva which will infect a small plankton crustacean. This crustacean is eaten by fish which thus inherit the parasite. The larva becomes encysted in the viscera and / or flesh of the fish while waiting for the fish to be eaten.
Man, through the consumption of parasitized fish or cephalopods, is an accidental host of these parasites. It does not enter into the life cycle of these and constitutes a parasitic dead end. These larvae can cause in humans, when ingested alive, a gastrointestinal illness called anisakiasis or anisakidosis.
Due to the sheer complexity of epidemiological phenomena and the variety of hosts, it is difficult to control the presence of parasites in fish. Also, the prevention of anisakidosis involves simple measures before consuming the products. Indeed freezing or cooking is enough to kill these larvae and make them harmless. The fish must then either be cooked to a minimum of 60 ° C (the flesh must not be pink at the level of the bone), or frozen for at least 24 hours at -20 ° C in the heart of the product before being eaten raw or undercooked.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Regarding Flagyl, it suffices to adapt the dosage of course.
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This treatment is now withdrawn from the website following the return of another veterinarian indicating to have observed cases of paralysis in reaction to the active molecule. So even if some vets advise it, caution requires warning you.
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The Panacur
Active molecule: Fenbendazole
Body weight should be assessed as accurately as possible before calculating the dose. Panacur works by removing nematodes from the axolotl. Thus dewormed the animal can regain strength and weight. It is often used when Flagyl has not worked.

Different types of worms
Nematodes :
Treatment is with anthelmintics (dewormers). There are several molecules:
Fenbendazole: Panacur (dog),
Levimasole: Lobiavers, Capizol, Aquaverm,
Benzimidazole: Nedol (JBL).
Cestodes :
The treatment is based on the use of Praziquantel which is found in:
Droncit (Bayer) and Drontal - Dewormer for cats (oral route to mix in food (or bath but less effective and more restrictive) Plativers (Biocanina), Cestocur, Gyrodol (JBL), Tremazol (SERA).
Here is now the story of "Bidule" by Campbell Atkins
"I got it on 08/31/17, my best friend arrived at my house with it, without my knowing it, because it was for my birthday.
At first I didn't know what an axolotl below 10cm really looked like, so for me it was normal (as the seller said) it would grow bigger and bigger and its gills expand. But hey ... while posting a photo of him, someone told me that he was in very bad health! So I came to the groups and there the weeks went by ... I didn't know what he actually had, people said it was going to pass, others that he had worms. So I gave him beef heart, which he ate perfectly well, but ended up vomiting 2/3 days later. But the day he got even thinner, I asked again for advice on the Axolotls et Cie group, and there I was certified that he had worms .. the problem: I couldn't get Flagyl. So a woman sent me 2/3 days after my request, but it was in the form of tablets. On another group, I was told that I had no heart, that in liquid form he would survive with the treatment while there with pills I was going to kill him, that I had no pity for him, that for me it was more of a toy that one replaces once broken ... but I believed in it, he spent a week + 4 days after a short break, in Flagyl (as a tablet diluted in the 'water) and after that, beef heart cure to make it fat!
In a week we could already see the difference: redder gill filaments, thicker limbs, bigger belly. He was finally out of danger!
The only problem then: the pellets ... he didn't want any at all!
I left him for almost a week without eating (I offered to him but he didn't want any) until the day he threw himself on it! For almost a month now, he's been back to being an Axo like the others, eating properly, and regaining a healthy life! "
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
This testimony could help people, thank you to Campbell, his perseverance paid off !!
The following photos are very telling ...
The first days...

Anorexia can have several causes, parasitization is one. The digestive system is then irritated and the axolotl regurgitates because its irritated throat prevents it from absorbing food.

Today 12/26/2017