Flazzy Boyet

Yes, we often talk about occlusion because axolotls really have a capacity to swallow huge stones, alas ...
On chippings which have the possibility of being expelled by natural means, one can simply make ingest using a small syringe (without a needle of course) vegetable glycerin or liquid paraffin for internal use, which s' buy in pharmacies. We ingest 2 x 0.5 ml with the axolotl as in the case of constipation, if this is difficult for you, do it at several times of the day, and make sure that he has swallowed well by massaging his throat , do it before changing the water in his hospital tank in order to prevent oily puddles if he had regurgitated stick to his skin and the gene and to breathe. If that is not enough we can help by lubricating the same way the cloaca and doing it delicately so as not to injure the animal. Feed sparingly during the treatment.
The most severe cases involving stones that are too large should be taken immediately to the veterinarian who will have to operate to save the axolotl.
Here is the testimony of Romy Hdn
"Two and a half years ago, without having been properly informed about the soil, my little Miu had ingested a lot of pebbles and it lasted more than a month because, surprisingly as it was, she continued to eat and to make bowel movements. Quarantined when I (finally ...) realized that her belly was hard, every day pebbles were found at the bottom of the tank (see the astronomical quantity present in her belly ...) and after 5 days the difference is very clear as you can see in the pictures below.I was very lucky.
Long live my little warrior, and be careful with your stones and / or other pebbles! "
"In a tub of colder water than usual (instead of 20 ° C, she was in 12 ° C water), without food for 5 days. She expelled on her own. I massaged her stomach very lightly. every day; at the end of the 3rd day, as soon as I put my fingers in the water, it slipped between 2 fingers so I assumed that maybe it did him good. "

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The gorgeous woogie gulped down a bit bigger than he could chew and swallow. He had this decorative pebble in his mouth!
Woogie is an axolotl, these are completely aquatic. This means that the anesthesia protocols have to be a little different! An anesthetic agent is placed in the water and absorbed by woogie, then the foreign body is removed and put back into clean water (without anesthesia) which wakes it up.
Woogie with the pebble which can be seen very clearly on his radio.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Now that he has been taken away from him he finds his home to recover from his emotions.
The signs of constipation from an axolotl leave no doubt: the cloaca is swollen and red. Make no mistake, an axolotl that has not left a stool for 6 days is not constipated, this is completely normal given the slowness of their digestive system, so no need to worry. For a good transit you need a Gh and a suitable power supply, why? Because the GH indicates a good mineralization of the au, neither too little nor too high, so at 10 of GH it's perfect. The pellets are properly mineralized and calcium is precisely essential for the good intestinal transit of axolotl.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Hello !
I am coming to give you news. Yesterday I had sent photos of my female finding her very big, you advised me to go see a vet quickly, that it was surely Ascites. This afternoon, I had an appointment with a NAC specialist veterinarian in Courtry (Exovet SELARL) and this is what came out.
After an ultrasound, he completely ruled out the idea of ascites, there was no fluid outside the organs but only in his stomach and intestines. So he thought of an occlusion, maybe after having ingested a lot of sand, following an X-ray (attached below) he realized that it was not sand, he then thought that it was was due to the diet. And explained to me that her food must have been too dry, difficult to digest and must have created a paste in her stomach that she could not evacuate.
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Following this diagnosis he gave him paraffin oil (laxatone) and made him an enema by the cloaca by injecting him another oil and water to moisten the paste and help him out.
I must give her 1ml of paraffin oil every day for 7 days, if she does not deflate after these 7 days, I will return to see this vet to end the life of my axolotl painlessly.
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Since the injection she has been vomiting and shedding a little mucus and is getting air quite often on the surface, which is pretty good according to the vet.
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The Exovet SELARL clinic is really top notch, they were attentive, reassuring, and above all they had a good knowledge of the animal. They may not have been able to save her, only time will tell, but they did their best to do so.
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I really want to thank all the people who commented on my first post, it is thanks to you that I became aware of the situation and that I was able to help him, whatever the outcome of the situation.
I leave you with photos of her just before the consultation where we can see a lump towards her hind legs and the X-rays.
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Thank you for helping us (Axolotls et Cie group)
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Occlusion by food