I wanted to tell you about this clinic because a brilliant team works there: doctors Feix, Breuil and Chappe. I was amazed at their achievements. They will also know how to treat your axolotls as confirmed by Dr. Chappe. Doctor Breuil deals more specifically with amphibians and reptiles.
"We do not accept that feathered, haired, or scaled NACs, amphibians are also welcome! Here is the case of a small Dendrobate (Dendrobates tinctorius azureus) which had its abdominal wall eaten by a cricket. It was therefore necessary to anesthetize and then suture this magnificent 2g animal. The calculator to establish the anesthetic dilution and the magnifying glasses proved to be invaluable allies. "

Now here is another amazing operation involving an axolotl! yes, yes our dear amphibian is one of their patients:
“Even amphibians can be operated on! Here is an Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) who had an enterectomy (removal of part of the intestine) this week at the clinic. perforated the abdominal wall and intestines! "
Examination out of water under anesthesia and with irrigation of the gills. He was anesthetized exactly like a fish in a bath and then drip on the gills (with Isoflurane in the water). the post op is complicated and the cat's claws respect their reputation a septicaemic phenomenon takes place making the prognosis grim despite the antibiotic therapy put in place "(The outcome was unfortunately fatal for this axolotl who succumbed to superinfection, hollow cat claws retaining all bacteria).

"Small video showing our small assembly for the anesthesia of a fish. A tube allows to bring a continuous flow of water directly into its mouth. Thus the gills are always wet with an emerged fish. The anesthetic is not other than a gas which is dissolved in this water. And voila! "
This wild Green Tree Frog (Hyla arborea) was presented to us for consultation by the owner of the cat who attacked her. She presented with an open femur fracture and a closed metatarsal fracture. Since this little tree frog was willing to feed in captivity, the surgical decision was made. Indeed, the amputation being essential, it could not be released. We were still able to place a wire in the fractured metatarsal. A few months later, his protector called us to inform us of his very good health! The 25/01/2016

I invite you to visit the page of the NAC clinic in Toulouse:
17 impasse Teynier And here is the site:
31000 Toulouse
05 61 57 99 63
Do not overwhelm them with calls out of respect for their work, email contacts or via their facebook page as well as obviously making an appointment for a consultation seems the most appropriate, all your NACs will be pampered.
Such impressive work deserved an insert to congratulate such dedicated and gifted doctors.